National Honor Society
Club Sponsors:
Ms. Jillian Davis and Mrs. Leslie Hodges
National Honor Society
The Vidalia High School Chapter of the National Honor Society is an academic club comprised of students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades who maintain a cumulative academic average of 93 or above and meet College Prep rigor requirements as set by the state DOE. These students participate in monthly service projects and must attend monthly meetings as well. As a member of NHS, students are expected to exemplify the characteristics of good scholarship, leadership, service and character. At present VHS has approximately 90 active NHS members.
Inducted students need to join the NHS Google Classroom as we will no longer be using the Remind App for communication. We will post information regarding monthly service projects, reminders, etc. on the Google Classroom.

Important Links
NHS News

For the month of February, members of NHS collected deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, granola bars, and crackers. These items were then packaged into "Blessing Bags" for the Refuge Domestic Violence Shelter and Jesus Inn. NHS hopes to continue to serve and bless the community of Vidalia.
Tue Mar 16 09:13 AM